Jumat, 17 Mei 2013

Samsung Galaxy Fame Review

Samsung Galaxy Fame Review


Whenthinkof Samsung phones,whatdoyouthinkof?The Galaxy S4?The Note 2? Maybethe arriving Note 3? Yeah,thatmakes sense.The Samsung Galaxy Fame,ontheother hand, substantially isn’t startingtobethe initial thingthat comesto mind.

It’s easyto forget, in allfor peoplelikeus,that bill phonesmake up the vastportionofthe market. Samsungmostdefinitelyhasnot lostthatportionofthe market,andfor explanationyou need demeanourno servethanthe Galaxy Fame.It’s tinyandit’s cheap,butisit valuethe money? Readonto find out.

In thehurry? Check outour video examinationor bursttothe endattheendofthe article.


  • 3.5-inchdisplay (320 x 480, 165 ppi)
  • 1 GHz CPU
  • 512 MB RAM
  • 4 GB inner storage (expandable around microSD)
  • 5 MP back confronting camera
  • 0.3 MP front confronting camera
  • 1300 mAh battery

Build Quality& Design

The Galaxy Fame seemsto takeits pattern cuesfrom, well,mostany Samsung phone nowonthe market.It’s thelittle curvier,butthisis substantiallynecessary duetoits thickness. Stillthismakesthe Fame the undiluted fitfor not as big hands.Forme,it felt thelittleonthe small-ish side,butitshouldbefairly serviceableformost people. One reasonthat seemed outofthe typicalwasthe gold-tinted mistake steel surroundingthe bezel.Forsomeitmight appear thelittletoo ornate,but othersmay findittobe the good shiftof pace.


Likemostother Samsung phones,the Galaxy Fameis builtfrom plastic. Unlikemostof those phones,however,the Fame feels thelittle complicatedforits size.Thisis understandable:the components do notgetany lighterafter thecertain point,andneitherdoesthe plastic.If anything,it essentially givesthe Fame the sturdier feelthansomeof Samsung’slarger phones.


We’ve seen timeand time againthat the singularofthe categorical areaswherethe cutsaremadefor bill considerationsisthe screen. Still,forthemostpart,the categorical scapegoatis shade resolution.The 3.5-inch shade facilities the fortitudeof 480 x 320and the pixel firmnessof around 165 pixels per inch.Ifthatwastheonly emanatewiththe Samsung Galaxy Fame’sdisplay,it wouldn’tbetoobad,but unfortunatelythis isn’tthe case.


The final timewe reviewed the devicewith thedisplaythis distanceand fortitude (the Sony Xperia E Dual)we beheldsome flatteringbig issueswiththe screen,andwe’re saying the lotofthe same problems here.No make the differencewhereyou setthe brightness,the shade looks cleared out. Viewing angles in all aren’ttoobad,but observationthe shadefromtheright side formulain thenot-so-fun observation knowledge flattering quickly.


With the single-core 1 GHz CPUand 512 MBof RAM,we weren’t awaiting the total lotinthe opening department,butwe still ranour usual apartmentof tests.

Startingwith AnTuTu,we ranthe benchmark 10 timesand distributedthe average.Inthis case,itshowed justwhywerunthese benchmarksso most times,asthe low measurewas 3,182andthe tall measurewas the rather irregular 8,412.Intheend,the normal measurewas 5,075.


Next upwe attemptedtorun Epic Citadel,butthe pass wordinthat judgmentis"tried." Unfortunately,whilethe app launched,it consistently crashed prior towegotthe possibilitytorunthe benchmark.

In genuine universe testing,itwas transparentthat TouchWiz bogged downthe hardware the bit,as stutteringwas benefaction scrolling by home screens. Light gamingwas possible,but heavier apps presentedtoo most worryforthe hardware.Ifyou’re seekingfor thequick turnofAngry Birds,you’llbe fine,but do not patterntoo most more.


The Samsung Galaxy Fame runs Android 4.1.2 Jelly Beanand,of course, Samsung’sown TouchWiz UI.While essayfor the singular feelacrossall inclinationmakes clarityfrom the sellingand pattern standpoint,wewouldhave eliteto see the reduction hardware-intensive overlay,or even better, batch Android.


Lookingatother software, mostof Samsung’s usual appsmakean appearance. S Planner, Game Hub, S Memo (simply called"Memo" here)and ChatONare present,butno S Voice. Alongwithan FM Radio appandthe record physical education instructorMy Files, Quickofficeisthe vital bundled app.This app allowsyouto perspectiveand as if revise usual bureau documents, yettheycan’tbecreated inside ofthe app.Aswithmost phones Samsung now ships, Dropboxisalso included.


Giventhe specsand cost point,we didn’thavethe topof hopesforthe Samsung Galaxy Fame’s camera,andas the result,wewere rather astoundedbythe peculiarityofthe photosit produced.Thatsaid, picture peculiarityis but delay proportionaltothe volumeof light benefactionwhenthe printis taken. Outdoorswith objectorin good illuminated rooms,you’llget thefairlyaccurate illustrationof whateveritmaybethatyou’re indicatingthe cameraat.In the feeble illuminated room,however, formulathatyou’rehappywithwillbe most harderto find.


The Galaxy Fame’s rear-facing camerais ableof capturing video, yetyou’ll substantiallyonlyever wishto restonitin the pinch.The fortitude tops outat VGA peculiarity (640 x 480),andhasthe same issueswith low light constraintas still photosdo.


The Galaxy Fame’s battery geniusof 1,300 mAhmayhaveyou joltyour head,but keepin thoughtsthatit isn’t poweringthemost perfectionist hardwareor pulling the quite vast volumeof pixels.Wehave foundinthe pastthatthe manufacturers claimsof speak timeoften couple upwith ubiquitous assuageto complicateduse.Inthis case, Samsung claims around 6to 8.5 hoursof speak time dependingonthe networkyou’re continuousto.


During contrastand benchmarking,we foundthatthe numbersdid appearto line up.After around 5 hoursoffairly complicated contrastand benchmarking,the batterywas downto around 50 percent.Thismight appear scarcelygoodinthis case,butit’s requiredto keepin thoughtsthatwehadno SIM extrinsicand thusno connectivityotherthan WiFi. Still, dependingonyouruse,it seemsthat the full day but the assignshouldbeno complaintatall.



So,doesthe Samsung Galaxy Fame reason up? Well, approbationandno.Itcertainly gets pointsfor style,and any one piningforthe serene daysof flip phonesmightlikethe form factor.Ontheother hand,its comparatively bad openingand less-than-beautiful shade aren’t startingtohelp winthe Galaxy Fameany fans.

Whatdoyouthink?Haveyou attemptedthe Galaxy Fame,ordoyouhaveanyquestions?Letus knowinthe comments!

Kristofer Wouk
Source : http://androidauthority.com.feedsportal.com/c/35289/f/657747/s/2c13be0a/l/0L0Sandroidauthority0N0Csamsung0Egalaxy0Efame0Ereview0E2121220C/story01.htm

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