Rabu, 22 Mei 2013

Amicus Dual Shot: Twice A Fun

Amicus Dual Shot: Twice A Fun

Taking the printwithyour Nokia Lumiaand capturing the special impulseis somethingwealldo.Butwhatifyou instructyouhad the special someonetherewithyou?With Amicus Dual Shot,youcan superimpose somebodyintothe supporttoshowthemthatyou're meditativeofthem.

Download Amicus Dual Shot
  1. Pressthe Search symbolonyour Nokia Lumiaandthen daub Vision
  2. Scanthe QR code
  3. Taponthe integratewhenit appearsonthe screen
  4. Installthe focusfromthe Windows Phone Store

Rightfromtheget-go, Amicus Dual Shot getsrightto work.There'sno acquire screen,no tutorial,itjust launchesyour camera viewfinder true away, watchfulforyouto combinesome photos.

Tobehonest,some instructionswould substantiallybe useful,butwithjust the notation personification aroundwiththis app,you'll knowwhatyou needtodo.

In sequencetomakethemostof Amicus Dual Shot,you needtothinkof any printas beingmade upof dualparts.

The initialpartisthe credentials image.Thiscanbe the stagelike the beach, the nightclub, the mountaintop, etc.The secondpartiswhereyou'llplace someone's face ontothat photo.

Thereare the integrateof waysyoucan erectthis postcard-like photo,andthat'sbyeither regulatingthe camerato take the printthereandthenofthe categorical scene,orby selecting the singlefromyour phone's Photos hub.

Onceyou've comparisonthe undiluted scene,youcan supplement the printof somebodyelsefrom again acid byyour Photos hub,or receiving the singlefromthe camera.Youcould even take the printof yourselfandplaceiton tipofthe background,ifyou'd prefer.

Youcanchoosethe templateofthe forehead picturetomakeit mount out thelittle.There'sthe classical stamp-look,with serrated, seperated edges. Alternativelythereare an additional 4tochoosefrom, polaroid, used edge, heartand circle.

With the credentialsand the printof the face selected,youcan savethe pictureandalso upload,or sendit,for othersto see.

Sharing options include: Tap + Send, Messaging, Email, Facebook, Twitter, OneNote,and most more.

Download Amicus Dual Shot today,for free.

Adam Fraser
Source : http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/NokiaConversations-Posts/~3/hZcvdk6-i8w/

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