Sabtu, 18 Mei 2013

David Karp’s Dilemma

David Karp’s Dilemma

Asthe Tumblr/Yahoo understanding continuestobe negotiatedby press,andthe universe gears upfor whateveris being voiced Monday morning, Tumblr owner David Karpis substantially carrying the reallyinteresting weekend.It’slikely,in in between mixed discussionswithhis residence membersand Marissa Mayer,thathe’ll take thebreak,like the travelor something,to accumulatehisthoughts.

Onthis travel (or lopeor potionof boozeat the bar),helikely coddle over dual categorical outcomes.Hecould take Yahoo’s money, eitheritbethe $ 1.1 billionthatthe residenceis perplexingto authorize givinghimorthe some-morethathe negotiates.Or, well,not.

Ifhe took Yahoo’s money,hewould stick onthe Billion Dollar Exit Club—you know,the ranksof Kevin Systrom, Chad Hurleyand Steven Chenfrom YouTube,the Paypal mafia, Tony Hseih, James Clark, Marc Andreessen, etc.Hewouldbe deliberate“successful”bythe Valley’s silly standardsand everybodyelse’s,butnot Zuckerberg successful,butdefinitely Michael Birch successful. Maybehe’dbuy the good residencein Presidio Heightsforwhenhehastobeonthe West Coast,and fillitwith artandan unitin Chelsea? [And may be the eighth month homeforhis family.And may be the plane.]

He’d still managethe Tumblr productat Yahoo,atleast untilhis jail expired,and may be userswould leaveand may bethey wouldn’t...Butthe diversionwouldbe over.Theracewouldbeinitscool down period. Still, the flattering chill hold up overall. Especiallyinthis economy.Whatwould Kevin Systromdo?


Butwiththis,justlikewiththe Instagram sale, comes the nagging, over-emotional afterthought:“Whatif Tumblr (or Instagramor _______)couldhavebeenthe subsequent Facebook?”Andthis whinging event pricewould grow even louderif Yahoo succeededwith Tumblr, anticipating the approachto monetizeit’s millionsof eyeballs mostlike Googledidwith YouTube.

“Tumblrcouldhavebeen the contender.”

It’sthisthoughtthatwill leadto the“No”from Karpandhis residenceifit gets whinging enough.Andthisthoughtis pithy— Zuckhadittoowhenhewas being courtedby Yahooandweall knowhowthat incited out.Butwhat happensafterthe“No,”the actualitythe Karpwillbe challengedto set up the genuine commercial operationon tipof Tumblr’s scale,is daunting sufficientto spinthat“No” once againinto the“Yes.”

Can Tumblr spinthe routineof followingother Tumblrs byyour dashboardinto the tideitcan monetizewith sponsoredstory impression ads?Or find the approachto squeeze adsintothe notoriously independent,and risky, content?

Can Karpputonthebig child pants, sinecure the Sheryl Sandberg character,andcreate the incomemaking machine? Becauseifhe’snot sure,andhe’snot readyfor the long, hard, ascending fight,heshould sell.

Lookwhat happenedto Groupon; still trade next $ 6bn offer.

A billion dollarsis the lotof money.

Alexia Tsotsis
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