Kamis, 16 Mei 2013

How An Ex-Googler Built Facebook For Glass

How An Ex-Googler Built Facebook For Glass

Googleand Facebook operative together?They’re essentially friends,inno tinypart interjectionto Erick Tseng.The former Android leader, right away Facebook’s conductof mobile, currently launchedthe central FacebookFor Google Glass app. Herehe tellsmeabouthow thetiny group writtenthe app around elementary print sharing,and Facebook’s strengthening attributewith Google.

Josh Constine, TechCrunch:Whatwasitlike removing Facebook concernedinthe Glass program?

Erick Tseng, HeadOf Mobileat Facebook:Itwasgreat. we usedto workat Google [asthe lead product physical education instructoron Androidfrom until 2010].We’re unequivocally close,but wehave the personal attributewith the garlandof folksonthe Glass team.It came outof the flattering spontaneous discusswith folksonthat team.We both fast cametothe endthatitwouldbe flattering overwhelmingtoget Facebookon Google Glass.

Itall growninjust the integrate of months. Two engineers builtthe total app.Therewereno grave designers.Justme plan handlingit.Wegot early entrancetosome developer hardwareand Google Glass prototypes.Wehad the unequivocally tiny group set up the antecedent [ofour app].We favouritewhatwe saw,showeditto Google,they favouritewhatthey saw,thenwe productizedit.Itwas funto workon thenew heightlike Google Glass.

TechCrunch:Whatwasitlike operativeon thefast-moving growth heightlike Google Glass?Howdoyouthinkaboutwhat facilitiesto embodyin FacebookFor Glass?

Tseng:From the developer perspective,our starting elementwasthe user experience.What functionalitymakesthemost claritywhenyouhave the devicelike Google Glass sittingin frontofyou?Whatwe came upwiththeideathatwe longed fortodo things unequivocally simplyand easily.You don’t instruct the lotof text.Westarted personificationwithitand saw photosas the unequivocally absolute user communicationwith Glass.It’s healthythatwhenyou take photoson Glass,you instructto sharethemwiththe peopleyou caringabout.We longed fortomakethe print uploading routineasquickand easyas possible,sowe focusedonthatuse case.

Aswewewere personificationwith Glass,wewere unequivocally tenderwith voice functionality,sowe combinedinthe capabilityto verbalise the photo description that gets combinedtoyour photo.

TechCrunch:There’s the lotofother functionalityyoucouldhave added.Didyouruninto constraintsonthe Glass platform?

Tseng:Tobefair,it wasn’tallthat mostof the compelled platform, deliberationwe longed fortodo print sharing. Photo receivingon Glassis unequivocallyfast.It’sjust the single clickto share,and the single some-moretodecidewhoto sharewith. It’s startingtobean elaborating heightandwe’re vehementto seewhat Googlehasfor developers.My expectancyisthat over time the lotofthe user functionalitywillget easier.

TechCrunch: Whatwasitlike operativeon the relocating target,whereyoumightnot knowwhatthe deviceyour app in the future launcheswouldbeabletodo?

Tseng:Itwas fun!Whenyouhavean eventto burstinonan rising difficultylikethisyou burstinwith eyes far-reaching open meaningfultherewillbesome dynamacism prior to thingsstart settlingin.Wewentin entirely wakefulthatthisis unequivocally earlyand stillin development,butthe eventto bonon Google Glasswas utterly thrilling.

TechCrunch:There’sno approachto reviewthe feedorget notifications on FacebookFor Glassright right awayDidyou cruisethe change in between structurean immersive knowledgeand the singlethatmight miscarryand intimidate people?

Tseng:wethinkit unequivocally comes downtohow the devicelike Glasswill go onto developinour every day livesandthe purposeitwill play.We longed forto keepit simple,butitwas theno-brainerthat photosis the unequivocally beguilinguse case. Startingwiththatwas the unequivocally true brazendecision.We’re vehementto see Google’s feedback,andget peopletotelluswhattheythink,whatthey instructthe devicecoulddoin furtherto print uploadingandwe’ll takethatinto consideration.

TechCrunch:What’sitlike operativewith Google now?Isthereanyofthe passion peoplethinkthereis?

Tseng:Welove operativewiththe Google Glass team.Fromthe unequivocally initial review wehadwiththe groupwhenwesaid” Wouldn’titbegreatifwedidthis?”to launchwasjust the integrate months.That’s the covenantto both teams operative unequivocally closely togethertogetthis shipped.

More broadly,it’soften lostthatwehave thegreat relationship. Facebookis the singleofmostpopular Android apps today.We already work unequivocally closelyonthat knowledgeas well.Andthen Homeisthe ultimate phenomenonofthat relationship.

TechCrunch:Whataboutyou prior argumentsabout interpretation portabilityandwhocan import whose email contactsor amicable graph?

Tseng:Data importation?Withthe Glass groupthat never came upatall,so we haven’t eventhoughtaboutthatinthis context.

TechCrunch:Arethere specific Google Glass facilitiesyou’dliketo see?

Tseng:Oh yeah! I’dliketo keepsomeof those tipfor now.We instructto warn folkswhenthey come out.This appis unequivocallyour initial incursioninto anythinglike the Glass form factor.We designto sense the lotfromthis app.

Josh Constine
Source : http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Techcrunch/~3/1GET2vSlHtk/

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