TechCrunch the the single preferred MC Frontalotand filmmaker Caly Monardohavecreated the videofor“I’ll FormThe Head,” the swat strainabout the Voltron-esque organisationof heroes fighting the worm beastintheir rhino robotic vehicles. Each the singlewantsto formthe head,andtheyexplaintheir logicin surprisingly expressive terms.
Whyarethey rhinosandnot,say, hulk robotic cats? Mr. Frontalotexplainswhyinthe initialpartofthe song:
thatwe commander--why?‘Causethey’rein supply.
Plus,we mindthecryofour planet’s population
to urgethem.We informto conflict stations!
The strain comesfrom Senor Frontalot’s manuscript Solvedandis hilarious.Heis corroborated up Dr. Awkwardand ZeaLouS1andwhileit’s transparentthatthe bullion rhino deservestobethe head,theother rhinosto appeartobe plain pilotswho merit thelittle shade time. Hopefully M. Frontalot visitsus againat Disruptin SF, ensuringme an additional eventto statemy boxin re:me beingthe head.
John Biggs
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