Whatwouldyoudowith 200 Nokia Lumia 920 Windows Phones?
Ifyou're eccentric mobile app developer,and self-confessed Windows Phone drug dependantlike Rudy Huyn,you prognosticate-and muster-an interactive wallof Lumia phonesthat facilitiesthe most appropriate appsinthe Windows Phone Store,and the large mapthatcanallbe tranquilfrom the apart Lumia phone.This art-style designationisondisplaythis weekat Microsoft's BUILD developer discussionin San Francisco.
Apparently, Rudy,whois the Nokia Developer Champion,hadtheideatocreatean interactivedisplay regulating Bing Maps some-morethan the year ago.Butatthe time,he didn'thaveas most phonesathis disposal.
Repsfrom Nokiaasked Rudytocreate somethingbiggerforthe attendeesat BUILDtoenjoy, somethingthatwouldbe toughto miss,andthey gavehim entranceto 200 phones.
Fromthe monster-sized map shownonthe phone wall, visitorscan pintheirown home townsand literallyput themselvesonthe map.
Ifyou're in attendance BUILDthis week,makeyour approach overtothe games territoryofthe"Big Room"andyou'll fast find the throng collectedto seethis marvellous wallof Nokia Lumia phones.
Jason Black
Source : http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/NokiaConversations-Posts/~3/jttuYB0Mykc/
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