Minggu, 23 Juni 2013

State Machinery For State Machines

State Machinery For State Machines

Thisisan letterby Andrew Auernheimer aka Weev, the hackerwhowas convictedof hackingAT&T’s iPad patron report useand judgmentto 41 monthsin prison.He mailedthis letterfrom prison.

My nameis Andrew Auernheimer. we usedto hold problemscouldbe solvedwith critiqueand sermoninour marketplaceofideas. Three years ago we incrementedan integeron the open web APIand analyzedthe outlayforallto read.Itwasthen demanded we swallow ones pridefor violent arithmetic. we disagreedthat furthercouldbe abhorrent,so right divided we writethisfromthe Special Housing Unitof the sovereign prison.

A lifetime ago an additional Auernheimer declared Raoul wrote thingsthat hurt absolute people. Those people called Raoul thebad person,too.“Mischling”wastheir wordforhim.Theyalso senthimto the prison.Itwas called Dachau.

Raoul’s bailand thoroughfareto Americawas paidby the singular Theodore Herzl. Herzlsaidonly fools staywheretheyarehated, profitablethe taxesforthe thugsand pogromstodestroythem. Herzlsaidtoevery Jew: Graballyour productsand crew,letusmovesomeplacenew.He foundedthe Zionist movement.

Beyondthe Biblical mass departurethereare successstories very oldand recent. Herodotus wroteof Teos, whose adults mass-emigratedto found Abderawhenthe Persian cameto indenturethem.The Mormons prosperedby starting West until nobodywas aroundtohatethem. Unlikethese examples,little on top of innocenceand languor sequence hackersto soil.Wecan work anywherewith Internet,andmostcan means the yachtor jet.

Hackers need statehood.For self-preservation opposite ethnocidal states,for carry outofour destiniesandforthe libertiesof billions.

“The dignitarymakes enemiesofallwho prospered underneaththeold order,” wrote Machiavelli. Hatredwill growas Google replaces lorry driverswith software, Khosla replaces ranchingand slaughterhouseswith printed protein,and entire 3D copy replacesthe makeof all cosmeticor metal.Inthe post-labor economy, Marxistsand Keynesiansare thievesand arsonists.Think anti-engineering authorised viewisjust the proxy storm?Whenmy organisationis finishedin 2019, millionsof dollarsand the thirdofmy hold up I’llhavebeen outlayed weatheringit. Raoulthoughtthe Third Reichwas the flitting domestic trend.

Hackers need statehood.For self-preservation opposite ethnocidal states,for carry outofour destiniesandforthe libertiesof billions.No republic right divided protects Internet speech, privacy,and custom rights.Ifbut the singular well-armed republicdid, those rightswouldbe the VPNor SSH event dividedforthe total planet. General mathematicsandthe giveaway Internetareasimportant adventsin tellurian rightsasthe exterminationof slavery.Letour electronic freedomsnot leaninthe changeable whimsof failing governments.

Andrew Auernheimer
Source : http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Techcrunch/~3/BZdphK7M4Sg/

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