Rabu, 21 Agustus 2013

HERE Beam To The Notting Hill Carnival

HERE Beam To The Notting Hill Carnival

The Notting Hill Carnivalhasbeen interesting Londonerssince 1966,andhas turn ratherof the endfor those wantingto dancethe week end dividedwhile listeningto Caribbean songand eating normal Caribbean cuisine. Lookingto stick onthe celebrationthis weekend? Check outthe HERE beamtothe Notting Hill Carnival.

This year,the Notting Hill Carnival takesplaceon Sunday 25th Augand bank legal holiday Monday 26th Augwiththe fair bands attackthe streetsat 9amon both days.

With we estimate the million people branch up any year,youcan designthe fairtoget thelittle swarming- together withthe internal subterraneous sight stations.

We'vecreated the video regulating HEREtoshowthe fair route,which displayssomeofthe internal sight stations.We'd suggest nearing via Bayswaterand Queensway,or even Paddington,to equivocate sight disruptions.However,you'll needto transport the bittothe fairfromthere.

Fortunately, HERE Mapsonyour Nokia Lumia,orother Windows Phone 8 smartphoneforthat matter,can leadyourighttothe heartofthe carnival.

Togetto Notting Hillfrom whereveryouare, indicatethis QR code.It'll launch HERE Mapsonyour smartphoneandshowyou Notting Hillonyour screen.Ifyouthen pin Notting HilltoyourStart screen,you'rejust the single daub dividedfrom anticipatingthe party.

Onceyou'reatthe carnival,youcan ramble aroundand soak upthe atmosphere,the songandthe smellsofthe excellent food accessible locallyonthe food stalls alongthe route. Don't dont think abouttouseyour Nokia Lumiato take loadsof photos,or videos,you'll constraintsomegreat oneswithyour Lumia.

Somethingto note,with over the million peoplein the tiny area,there's the possibilitythe networksmay turn congested.But HERE Maps functions offlinesoyoucan still findyour approachabout butan Internet connection.

Whenit's timetogo home,someofthe internal sight stationsmaybe sealed- dependingonthe timeyou travel.

We'vecreatedsome some-more QR codesforyouwiththe locationsofthe internal sight stations. Onceyou've scannedthem, pinthe locationstoyourStart screen.

Additionally,ifyou wish the some-more minute perspectiveofwhenandwherethe opposite trainsare travelling, don't dont think aboutto download HERE Transitasit'll giveyou accurate scheduled depart times.

For some-more sumonthe Notting Hill Carnival, check outthe central site.

Image credit: Marcus Povey

Adam Fraser
Source : http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/NokiaConversations-Posts/~3/Mm0Wo58pNHA/

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