Sabtu, 03 Agustus 2013

In Mastering Machine Intelligence, Google Rewrites Search Engine Rules

In Mastering Machine Intelligence, Google Rewrites Search Engine Rules

Editor’s note: Peter Yaredisthe CTO/CIOand Cameron Olthiusisthe VPof Searchfor CBS Interactive, the Comscore Top 10 Internet destination.

Googlehas constructed the automobilethat drives itselfandan Android doing complementthathas in few instancesgood debate recognition. Yes, Googlehas startedto master appurtenance intelligence.Soitshouldbeno warnthat Googlehas eventuallystartedto figure outhowtostopbad actorsfrom gamingits climax valuables-the Google poke engine.Wesayfinallybecauseit's something Googlehas regularly talkedabout,but, until recently,has never radicallybeenabletodo.

Withthe softened poke engine, SEO expertswillhaveto clarity thenew playbookifthey wishto stayinthe game.

SEO Wars

In Jan 2011,therewas the groundswellof user complaints kickedoffby Vivek Wadwaabout Google's poke formula being subparand gamedby black shawl SEO experts, peoplewhouse controversial techniquesto urge search-engine results.By exploiting weaknessesin Google's poke algorithms,these charactersmade poke reduction beneficialforallofus.

Wehavebeen trackingthe emanatefor thewhile. Backin 2007,we wroteabout Americans experiencing"search engine fatigue,"as advertisers found waysto"gamethe system"sothattheir calm appeared initialin poke formula (read some-more here).Andin 2009,we wroteabout Google's changeto on condition that"answers," suchas maps formulaand continue on top of poke results.

Eventhe changetoanswerswasnot sufficienttoend Google's ongoing fightwith SEO experts.Aswe reportinthis CNET essayfrom early 2012,it turns outthatanswerswere even simplerto monetizethan ads.Thiswas the singleofthe reasons Googlehas increasingly incitedto socially curated links.

Inthe past integrateof years, Googlehas deployed the callof algorithm updates, together with Pandaand Panda 2, Penguin,as goodas updatesto existent mechanisms suchas Quality Deserved Freshness.In addition, Googlemadeit harderto figure outwhat keywords peopleare regulatingwhenthey search.

The assaultof algorithm updateshas effectivelymadeit increasingly some-more formidablefor the hordeof black shawl SEO techniques— suchas duplicative content, couple tillageand keyword seasoned mixture—to work.This doesn't meant those techniques won't work. One demeanourinto the questionlike"payday loans"or''viagra" provesthey stilldo.Butthese techniquesare right away some-more query-dependent, definitionthat Googlehas radically since the passforcertain verticalsthatare of course some-more impressedwith spam.Butforthemostpart, regulating"SEO magic"to set up the calm siteisno longer the viable long-term strategy.

TheNew RulesOf SEO

Sois SEO over? Farfromit. SEOisasimportantasever. Understanding Google’s policiesandnot regulating afoulofthemis viciousto progressing chainon Google poke results.

Withthese ultimate changes, SEO expertswill right away needtohave the low bargainofthe assorted reasons the sitecan inadvertentlybe punishedby Googleandhow most appropriatetocreate solutions indispensableto repairthe issues,or equivocatethem altogether.

Here'swhat SEO experts needto concentrationon now:

Clean, well-structured site architecture.Sitesshouldbe easytouseand navigate,employclean URL structuresthatmake hierarchical sense, scrupulously couple internally,andhaveall pages, sectionsand categories scrupulously labeledand tagged.

Usable Pages.Pagesshouldbe simple, clear, yield singular value,and encounterthe normal user's reasonfor entrancetothe page. Googlewantsto offer up formulathatwill prove the user's poke intent.Itdoesnot wishto offer up formulathat userswill visit, clickthe behind button,and namethe subsequent result.

Interesting content.Pages needtohave some-morethan true contributionthat Googlecananswer on top ofthe poke results,so the page needstoshow some-morethanthe continueor the sports score.

No dark content.Google infrequently thinksthat dark calmis meantto diversionthe system.Sobe really cleverabout doing dark equipmentthat userscan toggleonandoffor beautiful pagination.

Good mobile experience.Google right away penalizes sitesthatdonothave theclean, rapidand respectable mobile experience. Sites needtostop delivering desktop web pagesto mobile devices.

Duplicate content.Whenyouthinkof transcribe calmyou substantiallythinkof calm copiedfrom the single pageor siteto another,butthat’snottheonly form. Thingslike the URL solution regulating assorted parameters, printable pages,and authorized issuescanoftencreate transcribe calm issuesthat mistreat the site.

Markup.Rich snippetsand structured interpretation markupwillhelp Google improved assimilate content,as goodashelp users assimilatewhat'son the pageandwhyit's applicabletotheir query,whichcan outcomein aloft click-through rates.

Google chasing downand incompatible calmfrombad actorsis thehuge eventfor web calm creators.Creatinggreat calmand operativewith SEO professionalsfrom pregnancy by upkeepcan furnishamazing results.Someofour siteshave even doubledin Google trade overthe past twelve months.

So don'tthinkof Google's changesas an additional descentinthe ongoing SEO battles.If played correctly, everybodywillbe improvedoff now.

Peter Yaredand Cameron Olthuis
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