Google Glass, Google schmass.Whatyou unequivocally wishonyour facearethese puppies. ION Glassesare sunglassor medication eyeglasses frameswith the built-in LED, Bluetooth stack,andtiny symbol controller.
Whatdotheydo? Wellthe LED lights uptonotifyyouofnew messages–youcan set opposite peopleto opposite colors–andyoucanusethe eyeglassesto carry outthe songonyour phone, the presentation,oralmost anythingelse tranquil around Bluetooth.
The shrewd spectatorwillsay“Whyinthe vital blazeswould we wishan LEDinmy glasses?Areyou daft, man?”Andtothis wewouldsay“Non!”
Understandme here– I’mnot observantthis productisfor everyone,but we metthe founder, Santiago Ambit,andheisso aspiringandbig-heartedthatwehaveto pretencethathethoughtthis through.So hereweare.
Ambit’s complementisfairly ingenious.He’s embedded the tiny piezo buzzer, LED,and Bluetooth smoke-stack insidethe eyepiecesof the customary spanof glasses.Theyareno heavierthan unchanging Wayfarersandthe trademark glowsonthe sideso people knowyou’reintothe ION lifestyle.
Heis raising supportson Indiegogoandhas lifted $ 22,000ofhis $ 150,000 goal.Youget the spanof eyeglasses— befittingfor medicationor sunglass lenses—for the oathof $ 89.They final the weekon the single charge.
Again,whydoyou needthese? Well,they’re intensely unimportantandthey’re thegreat approachto seewhen someoneimportantis jobandtohelpyour prioritizethe timesyou needto collect upyour phone.
Becauseoftheir crafty patternno the singlewillhaveto knowyou’re regulatingthemand,in turn,youcan conflictto messagesand notifications but be scaredor rudeness.
Would we wearthese? I’mnotso sure,butif wewerein confidenceor indispensabletobein the lotofimportant meetings wecoulddefinitely see myself wantingtoget small, dissimilar messagesinthe dilemmaofmy eye butthe potentiallyoff-putting inletof Google Glass.
I frequencyend postswith thequestionbut weaskyou,dear reader,wouldyou wearthese?
John Biggs
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