Minggu, 06 Oktober 2013

LG G2: 10 Tips As Well As Tricks

LG G2: 10 Tips As Well As Tricks

The LG G2is the singleofthe hottest sensationsofthe year.Ithas overwhelming facilitieslike KnockOn, Plug& Pop, Guest Mode,and much,muchmore.Andwe're startingtoshowyouhowtogetthemost outofthe device!

Hereare 10 tipsand tricksforthe LG G2!

#1 Smart Screen

Similartothe Galaxy S4?s Smart Stay,the G2has the Smart Screen feature.It fundamentallydoesthe same thing--whenit triestogoto sleep,it initial attemptsto acknowledgeyour eyes,andifit's successful,there'llbean eye idolinyour presentation window.

#2 KnockOn

Toget KnockOnto work 100%ofthe time,ithastobesaidwithatthis temp-- Knock.On. Additionally,it appearsthatthe tipportionofthe G2 seemsto attendfor KnockOn some-morethananyotherpart.

#3Show Desktop

Usingthe batch launcher, splashouttohideallofthe apps,showingonlythe wallpaperonyour home screen. Keepin thoughtsthatthis,like mostother features,willnot value regulating pick launchers.

#4Quick Actions

Withthe shadeoff, reason downthe volume symbol downfor 3 secondsforquick camera access.Youcan pressthe same symbolto take the picture. Alternatively,andwiththe shadeoff, reasonthe volume symbol upfor 3 secondsto openquick note.

#5 SMS Themes

To shiftyour SMS theme,inthe messages app, press Menu> Settings> Conversation Theme.Fromthere,youcanuseyourown wallpaperor the handfulof preset themesto customizethe SMS app.Youcanalso set themesand opposite wallpapers per contact.

#6 Easy Screenshots

Withthe volumeand energy buttons being singly placedonthe behindofthe phone, receiving the screenshotis difficult.Tomakeit easier, appropriatefromthe bottomofthe screen,and sliptotherightto entrancequick memo.Fromthere,youcan saveyour shadeor shareit.

#7 Wireless Storage

Touse Wireless Storage,make certainyou'reon the wireless network,andthen capacitateitfromthe presentation dump down.Afterthat,it allowsyouto entranceyour deviceas the network share. Onceyou openthe apponthe device,ithas instructionsforthe I.P. residenceand password.Youcan,of course,gointo settingsand shiftthe password.

To take things the bit further,youcan set the immobile I.P. residenceonyour device.Thiswill keepthe login reportthe samesoyoucan set up the by-passtothat wireless storageonyour computer.

#8 Full Frame Images

Believeitornot, W10M (wide 10-megapixel)isthe undiluted distancefor observation imagesonyour device.The 13-megapixel distanceis the 4:3 aspect ratio.Sincethe LG G2andmost HD inclinationare 16:9 aspect ratio, sharpenedin 4:3 causes irritating black barsonthe sideofthe image. Sure,the megapixel equatemaybe higher,butthe picturejust doesn't perspectivein full screen.

#9 Clipboard Manager

The LG G2has the built-in clipboard manager. Anythingyou've copied, together with images, staysinthis clipboard.To entrancethe clipboard, findan dull content box, pressand hold,and finally, name shave tray.This'll takeyou straightothe clipboard.

#10 Gallery Delete/Share Mode

Whenthe art studio appis openandyou splashonan image,you'reputin the modewhereyoucan fast undoor share imagesby shifting upor down.

Didwe skip the tip?Letusand others knowinthe comments below.

Kevin Nether
Source : http://www.androidauthority.com/lg-g2-tips-and-tricks-278098/

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